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Since our Wedding Adventure requires a financial contribution from our guests, we did not feel it was right or appropriate to have a wedding registry. Sure, we’d love new pots and pans, fluffy monogramed towels and shiny service wares! Who wouldn’t? However, we do not need any of these things as we are blessed with a full home. Many of our supporters were not pleased by this decision! Some have even said it is selfish of us to deny people the ability to give gifts. Again, overwhelmed by the desires of people to show support of our union via gifts! 

The only “thing” we need is not a “thing” at all. It’s a baby! We want to be parents! We need to be parents! Not because it will magically legitimize our family, but because our hearts are overflowing with love and we have the capacity to share it with a precious child.

If you are so inclined, please consider giving to our Adoption Fund. Whether or not we chose the path of surrogacy, adoption, or foster to adoption, the costs and fees can be cost prohibitive. We are ready to take this monumental step, but could use financial assistance. 

We are not asking people to fully pay for this journey. However, the bedrock of a family is built on the love created & shared by the surrounding community. 

1) Money will ONLY be used for adoption related costs.
2) Use of money will be itemized and shared with donors.
3) We will seek and use any grants, programs or agencies to assist in reliving the financial burden.
4) Any left over money will be used to “pay it forward” to another family

Thank you for taking the time to consider this option and we look forward to the day we can introduce you to our new child!



Waylon & Bradley!


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